PostgREST 11.1 is now available on the Supabase platform. Besides the pre-release features, we’ve added configuration and querying improvements. Here is what's new:
Impersonated Role Settings
Every role that passes PostgREST JWT Authentication is an impersonated role. On the Supabase platform, these are the anon
, authenticated
and service_role
These roles can now have settings applied with a regular ALTER ROLE .. SET
. This is useful, for example, to prevent web users from running expensive queries.
Let’s try it by setting a statement timeout and cost limit.
Statement timeout
aborts any statement that takes more than the specified amount of time. Let’s set it for the anon
, authenticated
and service_role
_17-- anonymous users can run queries that take 100 milliseconds max_17alter_17 role anon_17set_17 statement_timeout = '100ms';_17_17-- authenticated users can run queries that take 5 seconds max_17alter_17 role authenticated_17set_17 statement_timeout = '5s';_17_17-- backend-only users can run queries that take 15 seconds max_17alter_17 role service_role_17set_17 statement_timeout = '15s';
You need to reload PostgREST config cache to apply these changes.
_10NOTIFY pgrst,_10'reload config';
Now, suppose you do an expensive query with the anon
role. Like filtering on a big table's unindexed column (this will cause a full table scan):
_10const { data, error } = await supabase.from('big_table').select().eq('unindexed_column', 'value')
Then, after 5 seconds, the request will be aborted with the response:
_10{_10 "hint": null,_10 "details": null,_10 "code": "57014",_10 "message": "canceling statement due to statement timeout"_10}
Which is what we wanted. Note that there's already a global statement_timeout
set but you can be more fine-grained with this feature. See timeouts for more details.
Statement Cost Limit
With a statement timeout, expensive queries will still get executed for a length of time. They'll consume resources until they’re terminated.
The pg_plan_filter extension (available on the Supabase platform), brings a statement cost limit. This abort queries at the planning phase, before they get executed.
You can use it like:
_22-- anonymous users can only run cheap queries_22ALTER_22 USER anon_22SET_22 plan_filter.statement_cost_limit = 10000;_22_22-- authenticated users can run more expensive queries_22ALTER_22 USER authenticated_22SET_22 plan_filter.statement_cost_limit = 1e6;_22_22-- backend-only users can run any query_22ALTER_22 USER service_role_22SET_22 plan_filter.statement_cost_limit = 0;_22_22NOTIFY pgrst,_22'reload config';_22_22-- reload postgREST config cache to apply changes
Let’s repeat the previous expensive query with the anon
_10const { data, error } = await supabase.from('big_table').select().eq('unindexed_column', 'value')
Then, immediately, the request will be aborted and the response will be:
_10{_10 "hint": null,_10 "details": null,_10 "code": "54001",_10 "message": "plan cost limit exceeded"_10}
Note that tuning is required to get the cost limit right. You should use the plan_filter.statement_cost_limit
with care as it can invalidate legitimate queries.
Configurable Transaction Isolation Level
By default, all queries run in a transaction with the default read committed isolation level.
You can now modify this with the default_transaction_isolation
If you want a function to run with repeatable read isolation level:
_10create function hello()_10returns text as $$_10 select 'hello';_10$$ language sql_10set default_transaction_isolation = 'repeatable read';
Or if you want an impersonated role to run its queries with a serializable isolation level:
_10alter_10 role service_role_10set_10 default_transaction_isolation = 'serializable';_10_10NOTIFY pgrst,_10'reload config';_10_10-- reload postgREST config cache
Note that the default read committed is good enough for almost all use cases. Higher isolation levels incur in overhead as they use more sophisticated locking. They're only needed in special cases.
Bulk insert JSON with default values
A long wanted feature was bulk inserting JSON while considering columns' default values.
Having the following sample table.
_10create table_10 foo (_10 id bigint generated by default as identity primary key,_10 bar text,_10 baz int default 100_10 );
You can now do it like this:
_10const { error } = await supabase_10 .from('foo')_10 .insert([_10 { "bar": "val1"_10 }_10 , { "bar": "val2"_10 , "baz": 15_10 }_10 ], defaultToNull: false)_10 .select()
And the response will be:
_10[_10 { "id": 1, "bar": "val1", "baz": 100 },_10 { "id": 2, "bar": "val2", "baz": 15 }_10]
As you can see, id
and baz
took their default values.
ANY/ALL filter modifiers
As a shortcut to OR
filters, you can now use any
modifiers on various filters. Take the like
filter as an example:
_10const res = await postgrest_10 .from('users')_10 .select()_10 .likeAnyOf('username', ['%supa%', '%kiwi%'])
This is equivalent to the following in SQL.
_10select *_10from users_10where username like ANY('{%supa%,%kiwi%}');
modifiers are available for the eq,like,ilike,gt,gte,lt,lte,match,imatch
For completeness, the all
modifier is also included.
Minimal Breaking Changes from v10
If you only use PostgREST through Supabase client libraries (like supabase-js
) then it's safe to upgrade to v11. If you use PostgREST with other HTTP clients (like curl
), consider the breaking changes for this version:
- The
header is now only considered on GET requests and is ignored for any other method. Previously PostgREST responded with an error but RFC 9110 dictates that we should ignore theRange
header instead. - RPC requests no longer consider the
Prefer: params=multiple-objects
header. This header was already deprecated on v10.1.0.
By making use of Logflare, we detected that out of 20 thousands of projects:
- Only 7 projects used
for HTTP methods other than GET. In these cases all responses were errors so in fact this breaking change is a fix for those requests. - None were using
Prefer: params=multiple-objects
So overall the breaking changes are minimal.
Closing up
There you have it, now you can make your API more secure with role settings and use higher isolation levels without resorting to direct PostgreSQL connections.
PostgREST v11.1 is available for all Supabase projects created after 5 July 2023. Existing projects can upgrade by doing a pause/unpause.